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The Shelley Point Home Owners Association is constituted, as a Body Corporate, in terms of Section 29 of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, No 15 of 1985, in accordance with the conditions imposed by the Municipality of St Helena Bay when approving in terms of Section 25(1) and 42 of the said Ordinance of the subdivisions of the Consolidated Erf comprising Erf No 3 and portions of Erven No’s 1 and 2 in the Municipality of St Helena Bay, Division of Malmesbury.
Shelley Point, covering an area of 150 hectares stretches from Stompneusbaai in the east, Shell Bay to the north and looks back over Golden Mile to the west. The strandveld it consists of is home to many species.
PO Box 304, Stompneusbaai, 7382
022 742 1309
Admin Office:
08h00 – 14h00 (Mon-Fri)
Shelley Point Home Owners Association © 2024.All Rights Reserved.